Thursday, October 21, 2010

To Do:

Well, my school is closed today and tomorrow for fall break. Woot!

I am going to enjoy two days at home with Bunny. (We are both coloring right now, although I'm also sneaking on the computer.)

My long-term goal, which I'm going to track on this blog, is to have my house/life organized by June. One step at a time :) My first major thing to tackle is the garage.

Here are some things I want to accomplish during this fabulous long weekend:

All laundry done and put away.

Scrub floors, vacuum house.

Clean ten laundry baskets of junk out of the garage. Oh, the garage. I am too embarassed to even put a before picture. Here is a fake one:

Let's just say mine is biggier and just as messy. Sigh.

Anyway, I also want to clean my car and get ahead on lesson plans at school.

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